home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Copyright (c) 2006 Center for History and New Media
- George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
- http://chnm.gmu.edu
- Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl1.php
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
- */
- var ZoteroItemPane = new function()
- {
- var _dynamicFields;
- var _creatorTypeMenu;
- var _beforeRow;
- var _notesList;
- var _linksBox;
- var _notesLabel;
- var _creatorCount;
- var _lastPane;
- var _loaded;
- var _itemBeingEdited;
- var _activeScrollbox;
- var _addCreatorRow;
- var _lastTabIndex;
- var _tabDirection;
- var _tabIndexMinCreators = 10;
- var _tabIndexMaxCreators = 0;
- var _tabIndexMinFields = 1000;
- var _tabIndexMaxInfoFields = 0;
- var _tabIndexMaxTagsFields = 0;
- const _defaultFirstName =
- '(' + Zotero.getString('pane.item.defaultFirstName') + ')';
- const _defaultLastName =
- '(' + Zotero.getString('pane.item.defaultLastName') + ')';
- const _defaultFullName =
- '(' + Zotero.getString('pane.item.defaultFullName') + ')';
- this.onLoad = onLoad;
- this.viewItem = viewItem;
- this.scrollToTop = scrollToTop;
- this.ensureElementIsVisible = ensureElementIsVisible;
- this.loadPane = loadPane;
- this.changeTypeTo = changeTypeTo;
- this.onViewClick = onViewClick;
- this.onOpenURLClick = onOpenURLClick;
- this.addCreatorRow = addCreatorRow;
- this.switchCreatorMode = switchCreatorMode;
- this.toggleAbstractExpand = toggleAbstractExpand;
- this.disableButton = disableButton;
- this.createValueElement = createValueElement;
- this.removeCreator = removeCreator;
- this.showEditor = showEditor;
- this.handleKeyPress = handleKeyPress;
- this.handleCreatorAutoCompleteSelect = handleCreatorAutoCompleteSelect;
- this.hideEditor = hideEditor;
- this.textTransform = textTransform;
- this.getCreatorFields = getCreatorFields;
- this.modifyCreator = modifyCreator;
- this.removeNote = removeNote;
- this.addNote = addNote;
- this.removeAttachment = removeAttachment;
- this.addAttachmentFromDialog = addAttachmentFromDialog;
- this.addAttachmentFromPage = addAttachmentFromPage;
- this.focusFirstField = focusFirstField;
- function onLoad()
- {
- if (!Zotero || !Zotero.initialized) {
- return;
- }
- _tabs = document.getElementById('zotero-view-tabs');
- // Not in item pane, so skip the introductions
- if (!_tabs)
- {
- return;
- }
- _dynamicFields = document.getElementById('zotero-editpane-dynamic-fields');
- _itemTypeMenu = document.getElementById('zotero-editpane-type-menu');
- _creatorTypeMenu = document.getElementById('zotero-creator-type-menu');
- _notesList = document.getElementById('zotero-editpane-dynamic-notes');
- _notesLabel = document.getElementById('zotero-editpane-notes-label');
- _attachmentsList = document.getElementById('zotero-editpane-dynamic-attachments');
- _attachmentsLabel = document.getElementById('zotero-editpane-attachments-label');
- _tagsBox = document.getElementById('zotero-editpane-tags');
- _relatedBox = document.getElementById('zotero-editpane-related');
- var itemTypes = Zotero.ItemTypes.getTypes();
- for(var i = 0; i<itemTypes.length; i++)
- if(itemTypes[i]['name'] != 'note' && itemTypes[i]['name'] != 'attachment')
- _itemTypeMenu.appendItem(Zotero.getString("itemTypes."+itemTypes[i]['name']),itemTypes[i]['id']);
- }
- /*
- * Loads an item
- */
- function viewItem(thisItem)
- {
- //Zotero.debug('Viewing item');
- // Force blur() when clicking off a textbox to another item in middle
- // pane, since for some reason it's not being called automatically
- if (_itemBeingEdited && _itemBeingEdited!=thisItem)
- {
- switch (_tabs.selectedIndex)
- {
- // Info
- case 0:
- var boxes = _dynamicFields.getElementsByTagName('textbox');
- // When coming from another element, scroll pane to top
- scrollToTop();
- break;
- // Tags
- case 3:
- var boxes = document.getAnonymousNodes(_tagsBox)[0].getElementsByTagName('textbox');
- break;
- }
- if (boxes && boxes.length==1)
- {
- boxes[0].inputField.blur();
- }
- }
- _itemBeingEdited = thisItem;
- _loaded = {};
- loadPane(_tabs.selectedIndex);
- }
- function loadPane(index)
- {
- //Zotero.debug('Loading item pane ' + index);
- // Clear the tab index when switching panes
- if (_lastPane!=index)
- {
- _lastTabIndex = null;
- }
- _lastPane = index;
- if(_loaded[index])
- {
- return;
- }
- _loaded[index] = true;
- // Info pane
- if(index == 0)
- {
- _activeScrollbox = document.getElementById('zotero-info');
- // Enable/disable "View =>" button
- testView: try
- {
- var viewButton = document.getElementById('zotero-go-to-url');
- viewButton.removeAttribute('viewSnapshot');
- viewButton.removeAttribute('viewURL');
- viewButton.setAttribute('label',
- Zotero.getString('pane.item.goToURL.online.label'));
- viewButton.setAttribute('tooltiptext',
- Zotero.getString('pane.item.goToURL.online.tooltip'));
- var spec = false, validURI = false;
- var uri = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1"].
- createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIURI);
- // First try to find a snapshot matching the item's URL field
- var snapID = _itemBeingEdited.getBestSnapshot();
- if (snapID) {
- spec = Zotero.Items.get(snapID).getLocalFileURL();
- uri.spec = spec;
- if (!uri.scheme || uri.scheme != 'file') {
- snapID = false;
- spec = false;
- }
- }
- // If that fails, try the URL field itself
- if (!spec) {
- spec = _itemBeingEdited.getField('url');
- uri.spec = spec;
- if (!(uri.scheme && (uri.host || uri.scheme == 'file'))) {
- spec = false;
- }
- }
- if (!spec) {
- break testView;
- }
- validURI = true;
- if (snapID) {
- viewButton.setAttribute('label',
- Zotero.getString('pane.item.goToURL.snapshot.label'));
- viewButton.setAttribute('tooltiptext',
- Zotero.getString('pane.item.goToURL.snapshot.tooltip'));
- viewButton.setAttribute('viewSnapshot', snapID);
- }
- else {
- viewButton.setAttribute('viewURL', spec);
- }
- }
- catch (e){Zotero.debug(e);}
- viewButton.setAttribute('disabled', !validURI);
- // Enable/disable "Locate =>" (OpenURL) button
- switch (_itemBeingEdited.getType())
- {
- // DEBUG: handle descendents of these types as well?
- case Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('book'):
- case Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('bookSection'):
- case Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('journalArticle'):
- case Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('thesis'):
- var openURL = true;
- break;
- default:
- var openURL = false;
- }
- document.getElementById('zotero-openurl').setAttribute('disabled', !openURL);
- // Clear and rebuild creator type menu
- while(_creatorTypeMenu.hasChildNodes())
- {
- _creatorTypeMenu.removeChild(_creatorTypeMenu.firstChild);
- }
- var creatorTypes = Zotero.CreatorTypes.getTypesForItemType(_itemBeingEdited.getType());
- var localized = {};
- for (var i=0; i<creatorTypes.length; i++)
- {
- localized[creatorTypes[i]['name']]
- = Zotero.getString('creatorTypes.' + creatorTypes[i]['name']);
- }
- for (var i in localized)
- {
- var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem");
- menuitem.setAttribute("label", localized[i]);
- menuitem.setAttribute("typeid", Zotero.CreatorTypes.getID(i));
- _creatorTypeMenu.appendChild(menuitem);
- }
- //
- // Clear and rebuild metadata fields
- //
- while(_dynamicFields.hasChildNodes())
- _dynamicFields.removeChild(_dynamicFields.firstChild);
- for(var i = 0, len = _itemTypeMenu.firstChild.childNodes.length; i < len; i++)
- if(_itemTypeMenu.firstChild.childNodes[i].value == _itemBeingEdited.getType())
- _itemTypeMenu.selectedIndex = i;
- var fieldNames = [];
- var fields = Zotero.ItemFields.getItemTypeFields(_itemBeingEdited.getField("itemTypeID"));
- for (var i = 0; i<fields.length; i++) {
- fieldNames.push(Zotero.ItemFields.getName(fields[i]));
- }
- fieldNames.push("dateAdded","dateModified");
- for(var i = 0; i<fieldNames.length; i++)
- {
- var editable = !_itemBeingEdited.isPrimaryField(fieldNames[i]);
- var fieldID = Zotero.ItemFields.getID(fieldNames[i])
- var val = _itemBeingEdited.getField(fieldNames[i]);
- // Start tabindex at 1000 after creators
- var tabindex = editable ? (i>0 ? _tabIndexMinFields + i : 1) : 0;
- _tabIndexMaxInfoFields = Math.max(_tabIndexMaxInfoFields, tabindex);
- if (editable && Zotero.ItemFields.isFieldOfBase(fieldID, 'date')) {
- addDateRow(fieldNames[i], _itemBeingEdited.getField(fieldNames[i], true), tabindex);
- continue;
- }
- var valueElement = createValueElement(
- val, fieldNames[i], tabindex, !editable
- );
- var label = document.createElement("label");
- label.setAttribute('fieldname', fieldNames[i]);
- var prefix = '';
- // Add '(...)' before 'Abstract:' for collapsed abstracts
- if (fieldNames[i] == 'abstractNote') {
- if (val && !Zotero.Prefs.get('lastAbstractExpand')) {
- prefix = '(...) ';
- }
- }
- label.setAttribute("value", prefix +
- Zotero.ItemFields.getLocalizedString(_itemBeingEdited.getType(), fieldNames[i]) + ":");
- if (fieldNames[i] == 'url' && val) {
- label.setAttribute("isButton", true);
- // TODO: make getFieldValue non-private and use below instead
- label.setAttribute("onclick", "ZoteroPane.loadURI(this.nextSibling.firstChild ? this.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue : this.nextSibling.value, event)");
- label.setAttribute("tooltiptext", Zotero.getString('pane.item.goToURL.online.tooltip'));
- }
- else if (fieldNames[i] == 'abstractNote') {
- label.setAttribute("onclick", "if (this.nextSibling.inputField) { this.nextSibling.inputField.blur(); } else { ZoteroItemPane.toggleAbstractExpand(this); }");
- }
- else {
- label.setAttribute("onclick", "if (this.nextSibling.inputField) { this.nextSibling.inputField.blur(); }");
- }
- addDynamicRow(label,valueElement);
- }
- _beforeRow = _dynamicFields.firstChild.nextSibling;
- _creatorCount = 0;
- if(_itemBeingEdited.numCreators() > 0)
- {
- for(var i = 0, len=_itemBeingEdited.numCreators(); i<len; i++)
- {
- var creator = _itemBeingEdited.getCreator(i);
- addCreatorRow(creator['firstName'], creator['lastName'], creator['creatorTypeID'], creator['fieldMode']);
- }
- if (_addCreatorRow) {
- addCreatorRow('', '', false, Zotero.Prefs.get('lastCreatorFieldMode'), true, false);
- _addCreatorRow = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Add default row
- addCreatorRow('', '', false, Zotero.Prefs.get('lastCreatorFieldMode'), true, true);
- }
- var focusMode = 'info';
- var focusBox = _dynamicFields;
- }
- // Notes pane
- else if(index == 1)
- {
- while(_notesList.hasChildNodes())
- _notesList.removeChild(_notesList.firstChild);
- var notes = Zotero.Items.get(_itemBeingEdited.getNotes());
- if(notes.length)
- {
- for(var i = 0; i < notes.length; i++)
- {
- var icon = document.createElement('image');
- icon.setAttribute('src','chrome://zotero/skin/treeitem-note.png');
- var label = document.createElement('label');
- label.setAttribute('value',_noteToTitle(notes[i].getNote()));
- label.setAttribute('flex','1'); //so that the long names will flex smaller
- label.setAttribute('crop','end');
- var box = document.createElement('box');
- box.setAttribute('onclick',"ZoteroPane.selectItem("+notes[i].getID()+");");
- box.setAttribute('class','zotero-clicky');
- box.appendChild(icon);
- box.appendChild(label);
- var removeButton = document.createElement('label');
- removeButton.setAttribute("value","-");
- removeButton.setAttribute("class","zotero-clicky");
- removeButton.setAttribute("onclick","ZoteroItemPane.removeNote("+notes[i].getID()+")");
- var row = document.createElement('row');
- row.appendChild(box);
- row.appendChild(removeButton);
- _notesList.appendChild(row);
- }
- }
- _updateNoteCount();
- }
- // Attachments pane
- else if(index == 2)
- {
- while(_attachmentsList.hasChildNodes())
- _attachmentsList.removeChild(_attachmentsList.firstChild);
- var attachments = Zotero.Items.get(_itemBeingEdited.getAttachments());
- if(attachments.length)
- {
- for(var i = 0; i < attachments.length; i++)
- {
- var icon = document.createElement('image');
- var linkMode = attachments[i].getAttachmentLinkMode();
- var itemType = '';
- if(linkMode == Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_FILE)
- {
- itemType = "-file";
- }
- else if(linkMode == Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_LINKED_FILE)
- {
- itemType = "-link";
- }
- else if(linkMode == Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_IMPORTED_URL)
- {
- itemType = "-snapshot";
- }
- else if(linkMode == Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_LINKED_URL)
- {
- itemType = "-web-link";
- }
- icon.setAttribute('src','chrome://zotero/skin/treeitem-file'+itemType+'.png');
- var label = document.createElement('label');
- label.setAttribute('value',attachments[i].getField('title'));
- label.setAttribute('flex','1'); //so that the long names will flex smaller
- label.setAttribute('crop','end');
- var box = document.createElement('box');
- box.setAttribute('onclick',"ZoteroPane.selectItem('"+attachments[i].getID()+"')");
- box.setAttribute('class','zotero-clicky');
- box.appendChild(icon);
- box.appendChild(label);
- var removeButton = document.createElement('label');
- removeButton.setAttribute("value","-");
- removeButton.setAttribute("class","zotero-clicky");
- removeButton.setAttribute("onclick","ZoteroItemPane.removeAttachment("+attachments[i].getID()+")");
- var row = document.createElement('row');
- row.appendChild(box);
- row.appendChild(removeButton);
- _attachmentsList.appendChild(row);
- }
- }
- _updateAttachmentCount();
- }
- // Tags pane
- else if(index == 3)
- {
- _activeScrollbox = document.getElementById('zotero-editpane-tags').getScrollBox();
- var focusMode = 'tags';
- var focusBox = _tagsBox;
- _tagsBox.item = _itemBeingEdited;
- }
- // Related pane
- else if(index == 4)
- {
- _relatedBox.item = _itemBeingEdited;
- }
- // Move to next or previous field if (shift-)tab was pressed
- if (focusMode && _lastTabIndex && _tabDirection)
- {
- _focusNextField(focusMode, focusBox, _lastTabIndex, _tabDirection==-1);
- }
- }
- function scrollToTop() {
- if (!_activeScrollbox) {
- return;
- }
- var sbo = _activeScrollbox.boxObject;
- sbo.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIScrollBoxObject);
- sbo.scrollTo(0,0);
- }
- function ensureElementIsVisible(elem) {
- if (!_activeScrollbox) {
- return;
- }
- var sbo = _activeScrollbox.boxObject;
- sbo.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIScrollBoxObject);
- sbo.ensureElementIsVisible(elem);
- }
- function changeTypeTo(itemTypeID, menu) {
- if (itemTypeID == _itemBeingEdited.getType()) {
- return;
- }
- var fieldsToDelete = _itemBeingEdited.getFieldsNotInType(itemTypeID, true);
- // Generate list of localized field names for display in pop-up
- if (fieldsToDelete) {
- var fieldNames = "";
- for (var i=0; i<fieldsToDelete.length; i++) {
- fieldNames += "\n - " +
- Zotero.ItemFields.getLocalizedString(_itemBeingEdited.getType(), fieldsToDelete[i]);
- }
- var promptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- }
- if (!fieldsToDelete ||
- promptService.confirm(null,
- Zotero.getString('pane.item.changeType.title'),
- Zotero.getString('pane.item.changeType.text') + "\n" + fieldNames)) {
- _itemBeingEdited.setType(itemTypeID);
- _itemBeingEdited.save();
- loadPane(0);
- }
- // Revert the menu (which changes before the pop-up)
- else {
- menu.value = _itemBeingEdited.getType();
- }
- }
- function onViewClick(button, event) {
- if (button.getAttribute('viewURL')) {
- ZoteroPane.loadURI(button.getAttribute('viewURL'), event);
- }
- else if (button.getAttribute('viewSnapshot')) {
- ZoteroPane.viewAttachment(button.getAttribute('viewSnapshot'), event);
- }
- }
- function onOpenURLClick(event)
- {
- var url = Zotero.OpenURL.resolve(_itemBeingEdited);
- if (url)
- {
- ZoteroPane.loadURI(url, event);
- }
- }
- function addDynamicRow(label, value, beforeElement)
- {
- var row = document.createElement("row");
- row.appendChild(label);
- row.appendChild(value);
- if(beforeElement)
- _dynamicFields.insertBefore(row, _beforeRow);
- else
- _dynamicFields.appendChild(row);
- }
- function addCreatorRow(firstName, lastName, typeID, singleField, unsaved, defaultRow)
- {
- // Disable the "+" button on previous rows
- var elems = _dynamicFields.getElementsByAttribute('value', '+');
- if (elems.length){
- ZoteroItemPane.disableButton(elems[elems.length-1]);
- }
- if (singleField)
- {
- if (!lastName)
- {
- lastName = _defaultFullName;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!firstName)
- {
- firstName = _defaultFirstName;
- }
- if (!lastName)
- {
- lastName = _defaultLastName;
- }
- }
- // Use the first entry in the drop-down for the default type
- if (!typeID)
- {
- typeID = _creatorTypeMenu.childNodes[0].getAttribute('typeid');
- }
- var label = document.createElement("toolbarbutton");
- label.setAttribute("label",Zotero.getString('creatorTypes.'+Zotero.CreatorTypes.getName(typeID))+":");
- label.setAttribute("typeid", typeID);
- label.setAttribute("popup","zotero-creator-type-menu");
- label.setAttribute("fieldname",'creator-'+_creatorCount+'-typeID');
- label.className = 'zotero-clicky';
- // getCreatorFields(), switchCreatorMode() and handleCreatorAutoCompleteSelect()
- // may need need to be adjusted if this DOM structure changes
- var hbox = document.createElement("hbox");
- // Name
- var firstlast = document.createElement("hbox");
- firstlast.setAttribute("flex","1");
- var tabindex = _tabIndexMinCreators + (_creatorCount * 2);
- var lastNameLabel = firstlast.appendChild(
- createValueElement(
- lastName,
- 'creator-' + _creatorCount + '-lastName',
- tabindex
- )
- );
- // Comma
- var comma = document.createElement('label');
- comma.setAttribute('value', ',');
- comma.className = 'comma';
- firstlast.appendChild(comma);
- firstlast.appendChild(
- createValueElement(
- firstName,
- 'creator-' + _creatorCount + '-firstName',
- tabindex + 1
- )
- );
- if (singleField)
- {
- firstlast.lastChild.setAttribute('hidden', true);
- }
- _tabIndexMaxCreators = Math.max(_tabIndexMaxCreators, tabindex);
- hbox.appendChild(firstlast);
- // Single/double field toggle
- var toggleButton = document.createElement('toolbarbutton');
- toggleButton.setAttribute('fieldname', 'creator-' + _creatorCount + '-singleField');
- toggleButton.className = 'zotero-clicky';
- hbox.appendChild(toggleButton);
- // Minus (-) button
- var removeButton = document.createElement('label');
- removeButton.setAttribute("value","-");
- // If default first row, don't let user remove it
- if (defaultRow){
- disableButton(removeButton);
- }
- else {
- removeButton.setAttribute("class","zotero-clicky");
- removeButton.setAttribute("onclick","ZoteroItemPane.removeCreator("+_creatorCount+", this.parentNode.parentNode)");
- }
- hbox.appendChild(removeButton);
- // Plus (+) button
- var addButton = document.createElement('label');
- addButton.setAttribute("value","+");
- addButton.setAttribute("class","zotero-clicky");
- // If row isn't saved, don't let user add more
- if (unsaved)
- {
- disableButton(addButton);
- }
- else
- {
- _enablePlusButton(addButton, typeID, singleField);
- }
- hbox.appendChild(addButton);
- _creatorCount++;
- addDynamicRow(label, hbox, true);
- // Set single/double field toggle mode
- if (singleField)
- {
- switchCreatorMode(hbox.parentNode, true, true);
- }
- else
- {
- switchCreatorMode(hbox.parentNode, false, true);
- }
- // Focus new rows
- if (unsaved && !defaultRow){
- lastNameLabel.click();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Add a date row with a label editor and a ymd indicator to show date parsing
- */
- function addDateRow(field, value, tabindex)
- {
- var label = document.createElement("label");
- label.setAttribute("value", Zotero.getString("itemFields." + field) + ':');
- label.setAttribute("fieldname", field);
- label.setAttribute("onclick", "this.nextSibling.firstChild.blur()");
- var hbox = document.createElement("hbox");
- var elem = createValueElement(Zotero.Date.multipartToStr(value), field, tabindex);
- // y-m-d status indicator
- var datebox = document.createElement('hbox');
- datebox.className = 'zotero-date-field-status';
- var year = document.createElement('label');
- var month = document.createElement('label');
- var day = document.createElement('label');
- year.setAttribute('value', Zotero.getString('date.abbreviation.year'));
- month.setAttribute('value', Zotero.getString('date.abbreviation.month'));
- day.setAttribute('value', Zotero.getString('date.abbreviation.day'));
- // Display the date parts we have and hide the others
- var sqldate = Zotero.Date.multipartToSQL(value);
- year.setAttribute('hidden', !Zotero.Date.sqlHasYear(sqldate));
- month.setAttribute('hidden', !Zotero.Date.sqlHasMonth(sqldate));
- day.setAttribute('hidden', !Zotero.Date.sqlHasDay(sqldate));
- datebox.appendChild(year);
- datebox.appendChild(month);
- datebox.appendChild(day);
- var hbox = document.createElement('hbox');
- hbox.setAttribute('flex', 1);
- hbox.appendChild(elem);
- hbox.appendChild(datebox);
- addDynamicRow(label, hbox);
- }
- function switchCreatorMode(row, singleField, initial)
- {
- // Change if button position changes
- // row->hbox->label->label->toolbarbutton
- var button = row.lastChild.lastChild.previousSibling.previousSibling;
- var hbox = button.previousSibling;
- var lastName = hbox.firstChild;
- var comma = hbox.firstChild.nextSibling;
- var firstName = hbox.lastChild;
- // Switch to single-field mode
- if (singleField)
- {
- button.setAttribute('image', 'chrome://zotero/skin/textfield-dual.png');
- button.setAttribute('tooltiptext', Zotero.getString('pane.item.switchFieldMode.two'));
- lastName.setAttribute('singleField', 'true');
- button.setAttribute('onclick', "ZoteroItemPane.switchCreatorMode(this.parentNode.parentNode, false)");
- lastName.setAttribute('flex', '1');
- // Remove firstname field from tabindex
- var tab = parseInt(firstName.getAttribute('ztabindex'));
- firstName.setAttribute('ztabindex', -1);
- if (_tabIndexMaxCreators==tab)
- {
- _tabIndexMaxCreators--;
- }
- // Hide first name field and prepend to last name field
- firstName.setAttribute('hidden', true);
- comma.setAttribute('hidden', true);
- if (!initial){
- var first = _getFieldValue(firstName);
- if (first && first != _defaultFirstName)
- {
- var last = _getFieldValue(lastName);
- _setFieldValue(lastName, first + ' ' + last);
- }
- }
- if (_getFieldValue(lastName) == _defaultLastName)
- {
- _setFieldValue(lastName, _defaultFullName);
- }
- }
- // Switch to two-field mode
- else
- {
- button.setAttribute('image', 'chrome://zotero/skin/textfield-single.png');
- button.setAttribute('tooltiptext', Zotero.getString('pane.item.switchFieldMode.one'));
- lastName.setAttribute('singleField', 'false');
- button.setAttribute('onclick', "ZoteroItemPane.switchCreatorMode(this.parentNode.parentNode, true)");
- lastName.setAttribute('flex', '0');
- // Add firstname field to tabindex
- var tab = parseInt(lastName.getAttribute('ztabindex'));
- firstName.setAttribute('ztabindex', tab + 1);
- if (_tabIndexMaxCreators==tab)
- {
- _tabIndexMaxCreators++;
- }
- if (!initial){
- // Move all but last word to first name field and show it
- var last = _getFieldValue(lastName);
- if (last && last != _defaultFullName)
- {
- var lastNameRE = /(.*?)[ ]*([^ ]+[ ]*)$/;
- var parts = lastNameRE.exec(last);
- if (parts[2] && parts[2] != last)
- {
- _setFieldValue(lastName, parts[2]);
- _setFieldValue(firstName, parts[1]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!_getFieldValue(firstName))
- {
- _setFieldValue(firstName, _defaultFirstName);
- }
- if (_getFieldValue(lastName) == _defaultFullName)
- {
- _setFieldValue(lastName, _defaultLastName);
- }
- firstName.setAttribute('hidden', false);
- comma.setAttribute('hidden', false);
- }
- // Save the last-used field mode
- Zotero.Prefs.set('lastCreatorFieldMode', singleField);
- if (!initial)
- {
- var [, index, field] = button.getAttribute('fieldname').split('-');
- var otherFields = getCreatorFields(row); // row
- modifyCreator(index, field, !!singleField, otherFields);
- }
- }
- function toggleAbstractExpand(label) {
- var cur = Zotero.Prefs.get('lastAbstractExpand');
- Zotero.Prefs.set('lastAbstractExpand', !cur);
- var ab = label.nextSibling;
- var valueText = _itemBeingEdited.getField('abstractNote');
- var tabindex = ab.getAttribute('ztabindex');
- var elem = createValueElement(valueText, 'abstractNote', tabindex);
- ab.parentNode.replaceChild(elem, ab);
- var text = Zotero.ItemFields.getLocalizedString(_itemBeingEdited.getType(), 'abstractNote') + ':';
- // Add '(...)' before "Abstract:" for collapsed abstracts
- if (valueText && cur) {
- text = '(...) ' + text;
- }
- label.setAttribute('value', text);
- }
- function disableButton(button)
- {
- button.setAttribute('disabled', true);
- button.setAttribute('onclick', false);
- }
- function _enablePlusButton(button, creatorTypeID, fieldMode)
- {
- button.setAttribute('disabled', false);
- button.setAttribute("onclick",
- "ZoteroItemPane.disableButton(this); ZoteroItemPane.addCreatorRow('', '', " + (creatorTypeID ? creatorTypeID : 'false') + ", " + fieldMode + ", true);");
- }
- function createValueElement(valueText, fieldName, tabindex, noedit)
- {
- var fieldID = Zotero.ItemFields.getID(fieldName);
- // If an abstract, check last expand state
- var abstractAsVbox = (fieldName == 'abstractNote') &&
- Zotero.Prefs.get('lastAbstractExpand');
- if (fieldName == 'extra' || abstractAsVbox) {
- var valueElement = document.createElement("vbox");
- }
- else
- {
- var valueElement = document.createElement("label");
- }
- valueElement.setAttribute('fieldname',fieldName);
- if (!noedit){
- valueElement.setAttribute('flex', 1);
- valueElement.setAttribute('ztabindex', tabindex);
- valueElement.setAttribute('onclick', '/* Skip right-click on Windows */ if (event.button) { return; } ZoteroItemPane.showEditor(this)');
- valueElement.className = 'zotero-clicky';
- }
- switch (fieldName) {
- case 'tag':
- _tabIndexMaxTagsFields = Math.max(_tabIndexMaxTagsFields, tabindex);
- break;
- // Convert dates from UTC
- case 'dateAdded':
- case 'dateModified':
- case 'accessDate':
- if (valueText){
- var date = Zotero.Date.sqlToDate(valueText, true);
- valueText = date ? date.toLocaleString() : '';
- // Don't show time for access date if none
- if (fieldName == 'accessDate') {
- valueText = valueText.replace('00:00:00 ', '');
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- if (fieldID) {
- // Display the SQL date as a tooltip for date fields
- if (Zotero.ItemFields.isFieldOfBase(fieldID, 'date')) {
- valueElement.setAttribute('tooltiptext',
- Zotero.Date.multipartToSQL(_itemBeingEdited.getField(fieldName, true)));
- }
- // Display a context menu for certain fields
- if (fieldName == 'seriesTitle' || fieldName == 'shortTitle' ||
- Zotero.ItemFields.isFieldOfBase(fieldID, 'title') ||
- Zotero.ItemFields.isFieldOfBase(fieldID, 'publicationTitle')) {
- valueElement.setAttribute('contextmenu', 'zotero-field-menu');
- }
- }
- if (fieldName.indexOf('firstName')!=-1){
- valueElement.setAttribute('flex', '1');
- }
- var firstSpace;
- if(typeof valueText == 'string')
- firstSpace = valueText.indexOf(" ");
- // To support newlines in 'extra' fields, we use multiple
- // <description> elements inside a vbox
- if (fieldName == 'extra' || abstractAsVbox) {
- var lines = valueText.split("\n");
- for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
- var descriptionNode = document.createElement("description");
- var linetext = document.createTextNode(lines[i]);
- descriptionNode.appendChild(linetext);
- valueElement.appendChild(descriptionNode);
- }
- }
- // 29 == arbitrary length at which to chop uninterrupted text
- else if ((firstSpace == -1 && valueText.length > 29 ) || firstSpace > 29
- || (fieldName &&
- (fieldName.substr(0, 7) == 'creator') || fieldName == 'abstractNote')) {
- if (fieldName == 'abstractNote') {
- valueText = valueText.replace(/[\t\n]/g, ' ');
- }
- valueElement.setAttribute('crop', 'end');
- valueElement.setAttribute('value',valueText);
- }
- else
- {
- // Wrap to multiple lines
- valueElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(valueText));
- }
- return valueElement;
- }
- function removeCreator(index, labelToDelete)
- {
- // If unsaved row, just remove element
- if (!_itemBeingEdited.hasCreatorAt(index)){
- labelToDelete.parentNode.removeChild(labelToDelete);
- // Enable the "+" button on the previous row
- var elems = _dynamicFields.getElementsByAttribute('value', '+');
- var button = elems[elems.length-1];
- var creatorFields = getCreatorFields(Zotero.getAncestorByTagName(button, 'row'));
- _enablePlusButton(button, creatorFields.typeID, creatorFields.singleField);
- _creatorCount--;
- return;
- }
- _itemBeingEdited.removeCreator(index);
- _itemBeingEdited.save();
- loadPane(0);
- }
- function showEditor(elem)
- {
- // Blur any active fields
- if (_dynamicFields) {
- _dynamicFields.focus();
- }
- //Zotero.debug('Showing editor');
- var fieldName = elem.getAttribute('fieldname');
- var tabindex = elem.getAttribute('ztabindex');
- var [field, creatorIndex, creatorField] = fieldName.split('-');
- if (field == 'creator')
- {
- var c = _itemBeingEdited.getCreator(creatorIndex);
- var value = c ? c[creatorField] : '';
- var itemID = _itemBeingEdited.getID();
- }
- else if (fieldName=='tag')
- {
- var tagID = elem.parentNode.getAttribute('id').split('-')[1];
- var value = tagID ? Zotero.Tags.getName(tagID) : '';
- var itemID = Zotero.getAncestorByTagName(elem, 'tagsbox').item.getID();
- }
- else
- {
- var value = _itemBeingEdited.getField(fieldName);
- var itemID = _itemBeingEdited.getID();
- // Access date needs to be converted from UTC
- if (fieldName=='accessDate' && value!='')
- {
- var localDate = Zotero.Date.sqlToDate(value, true);
- var value = Zotero.Date.dateToSQL(localDate);
- }
- }
- var t = document.createElement("textbox");
- t.setAttribute('value',value);
- t.setAttribute('fieldname', fieldName);
- t.setAttribute('ztabindex', tabindex);
- t.setAttribute('flex','1');
- if (creatorField=='lastName')
- {
- t.setAttribute('singleField', elem.getAttribute('singleField'));
- }
- if (['title', 'abstractNote', 'extra'].indexOf(fieldName) != -1) {
- t.setAttribute('multiline', true);
- t.setAttribute('rows', 8);
- }
- else
- {
- var autoCompleteFields = [
- 'creator',
- 'journalAbbreviation',
- 'seriesTitle',
- 'seriesText',
- 'repository',
- 'callNumber',
- 'archiveLocation',
- 'language',
- 'rights',
- 'tag'
- ];
- // Add the type-specific versions of these base fields
- var baseACFields = ['publisher', 'publicationTitle', 'type',
- 'medium', 'place'];
- autoCompleteFields = autoCompleteFields.concat(baseACFields);
- for (var i=0; i<baseACFields.length; i++) {
- var add = Zotero.ItemFields.getTypeFieldsFromBase(baseACFields[i], true)
- autoCompleteFields = autoCompleteFields.concat(add);
- }
- // Add auto-complete for certain fields
- if (autoCompleteFields.indexOf(field) != -1) {
- t.setAttribute('type', 'autocomplete');
- t.setAttribute('autocompletesearch', 'zotero');
- var suffix = itemID ? itemID : '';
- if (field=='creator') {
- suffix = (elem.getAttribute('singleField')=='true'
- ? '1' : '0') + '-' + suffix;
- }
- t.setAttribute('autocompletesearchparam', fieldName + '/' + suffix);
- t.setAttribute('ontextentered',
- 'ZoteroItemPane.handleCreatorAutoCompleteSelect(this)');
- }
- }
- var box = elem.parentNode;
- box.replaceChild(t,elem);
- t.select();
- t.setAttribute('onblur',"ZoteroItemPane.hideEditor(this, true)");
- t.setAttribute('onkeypress',"return ZoteroItemPane.handleKeyPress(event)");
- _tabDirection = false;
- _lastTabIndex = tabindex;
- return t;
- }
- /*
- * Save a multiple-field selection for the creator autocomplete
- * (e.g. "Shakespeare, William")
- */
- function handleCreatorAutoCompleteSelect(textbox)
- {
- var comment = Zotero.Utilities.AutoComplete.getResultComment(textbox);
- if (!comment)
- {
- return;
- }
- var [creatorID, numFields] = comment.split('-');
- // If result uses two fields, save both
- if (numFields==2)
- {
- var [field, creatorIndex, creatorField] =
- textbox.getAttribute('fieldname').split('-');
- var creator = Zotero.Creators.get(creatorID);
- var otherField = creatorField=='lastName' ? 'firstName' : 'lastName';
- // Update this textbox
- textbox.setAttribute('value', creator[creatorField]);
- textbox.value = creator[creatorField];
- // Update the other label
- if (otherField=='firstName'){
- var label = textbox.nextSibling.nextSibling;
- }
- else if (otherField=='lastName'){
- var label = textbox.previousSibling.previousSibling;
- }
- if (label.firstChild){
- label.firstChild.nodeValue = creator[otherField];
- }
- else {
- label.value = creator[otherField];
- }
- var row = textbox.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
- var otherFields = ZoteroItemPane.getCreatorFields(row);
- otherFields[otherField] = creator[otherField];
- ZoteroItemPane.modifyCreator(creatorIndex, creatorField,
- creator[creatorField], otherFields);
- }
- // Otherwise let the autocomplete popup handle matters
- }
- function handleKeyPress(event){
- var target = event.target;
- var focused = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement;
- switch (event.keyCode)
- {
- case event.DOM_VK_RETURN:
- var fieldname = target.getAttribute('fieldname');
- // Use shift-enter as the save action for the larger fields
- if ((fieldname == 'abstractNote' || fieldname == 'extra')
- && !event.shiftKey)
- {
- break;
- }
- else if (fieldname == 'tag')
- {
- // If last tag row, create new one
- var row = target.parentNode.parentNode;
- if (row == row.parentNode.lastChild)
- {
- _tabDirection = 1;
- var lastTag = true;
- }
- }
- // Shift-enter adds new creator row
- else if (fieldname.indexOf('creator-') == 0 && event.shiftKey) {
- // Value hasn't changed
- if (target.getAttribute('value') == target.value) {
- Zotero.debug("Value hasn't changed");
- // If + button is disabled, just focus next creator row
- if (Zotero.getAncestorByTagName(target, 'row').lastChild.lastChild.disabled) {
- _focusNextField('info', _dynamicFields, _lastTabIndex, false);
- }
- else {
- ZoteroItemPane.addCreatorRow('', '', false, Zotero.Prefs.get('lastCreatorFieldMode'), true, false);
- }
- }
- // Value has changed
- else {
- _tabDirection = 1;
- _addCreatorRow = true;
- focused.blur();
- }
- return false;
- }
- focused.blur();
- // Return focus to items pane
- if (!lastTag) {
- var tree = document.getElementById('zotero-items-tree');
- if (tree) {
- tree.focus();
- }
- }
- return false;
- case event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE:
- // Reset field to original value
- target.value = target.getAttribute('value');
- focused.blur();
- // Return focus to items pane
- var tree = document.getElementById('zotero-items-tree');
- if (tree) {
- tree.focus();
- }
- return false;
- case event.DOM_VK_TAB:
- _tabDirection = event.shiftKey ? -1 : 1;
- // Blur the old manually -- not sure why this is necessary,
- // but it prevents an immediate blur() on the next tag
- focused.blur();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function hideEditor(t, saveChanges)
- {
- //Zotero.debug('Hiding editor');
- var textbox = Zotero.getAncestorByTagName(t, 'textbox');
- if (!textbox){
- Zotero.debug('Textbox not found in hideEditor');
- return;
- }
- var fieldName = textbox.getAttribute('fieldname');
- var tabindex = textbox.getAttribute('ztabindex');
- var value = t.value;
- var elem;
- var [field, creatorIndex, creatorField] = fieldName.split('-');
- // Creator fields
- if (field == 'creator')
- {
- var row = textbox.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
- var otherFields = getCreatorFields(row);
- if (saveChanges){
- modifyCreator(creatorIndex, creatorField, value, otherFields);
- }
- var val = _itemBeingEdited.getCreator(creatorIndex)[creatorField];
- if (!val){
- // Reset to '(first)'/'(last)'/'(name)'
- if (creatorField=='lastName')
- {
- val = otherFields['singleField']
- ? _defaultFullName : _defaultLastName;
- }
- else if (creatorField=='firstName')
- {
- val = _defaultFirstName;
- }
- }
- elem = createValueElement(val, fieldName, tabindex);
- // Reset creator mode settings
- if (otherFields['singleField'])
- {
- switchCreatorMode(row, true, true);
- }
- else
- {
- switchCreatorMode(row, false, true);
- }
- }
- // Tags
- else if (fieldName=='tag')
- {
- var tagsbox = Zotero.getAncestorByTagName(textbox, 'tagsbox');
- if (!tagsbox)
- {
- Zotero.debug('Tagsbox not found', 1);
- return;
- }
- var row = textbox.parentNode;
- var rows = row.parentNode;
- // Tag id encoded as 'tag-1234'
- var id = row.getAttribute('id').split('-')[1];
- if (saveChanges)
- {
- if (id)
- {
- if (value)
- {
- // If trying to replace with another existing tag
- // (which causes a delete of the row),
- // clear the tab direction so we don't advance
- // when the notifier kicks in
- var existing = Zotero.Tags.getID(value, 0);
- if (existing && id != existing)
- {
- _tabDirection = false;
- }
- var changed = tagsbox.replace(id, value);
- if (changed)
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tagsbox.remove(id);
- return;
- }
- }
- // New tag
- else
- {
- // If this is an existing automatic tag, it's going to be
- // deleted and the number of rows will stay the same,
- // so we have to compensate
- var existingTypes = Zotero.Tags.getTypes(value);
- if (existingTypes && existingTypes.indexOf(1) != -1) {
- _lastTabIndex--;
- }
- var id = tagsbox.add(value);
- // DEBUG: why does this need to continue if added?
- }
- }
- if (id)
- {
- elem = createValueElement(value, 'tag', tabindex);
- }
- else
- {
- // Just remove the row
- //
- // If there's an open popup, this throws NODE CANNOT BE FOUND
- try {
- var row = rows.removeChild(row);
- }
- catch (e) {}
- tagsbox.fixPopup();
- _tabDirection = false;
- return;
- }
- var focusMode = 'tags';
- var focusBox = tagsbox;
- }
- // Fields
- else
- {
- // Access date needs to be parsed and converted to UTC
- if (fieldName=='accessDate' && value!='')
- {
- if (Zotero.Date.isSQLDate(value) || Zotero.Date.isSQLDateTime(value)) {
- var localDate = Zotero.Date.sqlToDate(value);
- value = Zotero.Date.dateToSQL(localDate, true);
- }
- else {
- var d = Zotero.Date.strToDate(value);
- value = null;
- if (d.year && d.month != undefined && d.day) {
- d = new Date(d.year, d.month, d.day);
- value = Zotero.Date.dateToSQL(d, true);
- }
- }
- }
- if (saveChanges) {
- _modifyField(fieldName,value);
- }
- elem = createValueElement(_itemBeingEdited.getField(fieldName), fieldName, tabindex);
- }
- var box = textbox.parentNode;
- box.replaceChild(elem,textbox);
- if (_tabDirection)
- {
- if (!focusMode)
- {
- var focusMode = 'info';
- var focusBox = _dynamicFields;
- }
- _focusNextField(focusMode, focusBox, _lastTabIndex, _tabDirection==-1);
- }
- }
- function _modifyField(field, value)
- {
- _itemBeingEdited.setField(field,value);
- return _itemBeingEdited.save();
- }
- function _getFieldValue(field)
- {
- return field.firstChild
- ? field.firstChild.nodeValue : field.value;
- }
- function _setFieldValue(field, value)
- {
- if (field.firstChild)
- {
- field.firstChild.nodeValue = value;
- }
- else
- {
- field.value = value;
- }
- }
- // TODO: work with textboxes too
- function textTransform(label, mode) {
- var val = _getFieldValue(label);
- switch (mode) {
- case 'lower':
- var newVal = val.toLowerCase();
- break;
- case 'title':
- var utils = new Zotero.Utilities();
- var newVal = utils.capitalizeTitle(val.toLowerCase(), true);
- break;
- default:
- throw ("Invalid transform mode '" + mode + "' in ZoteroItemPane.textTransform()");
- }
- _setFieldValue(label, newVal);
- _modifyField(label.getAttribute('fieldname'), newVal);
- }
- function getCreatorFields(row){
- var typeID = row.getElementsByTagName('toolbarbutton')[0].getAttribute('typeid');
- var label1 = row.getElementsByTagName('hbox')[0].firstChild.firstChild;
- var label2 = label1.parentNode.lastChild;
- return {
- lastName: label1.firstChild ? label1.firstChild.nodeValue
- : label1.value,
- firstName: label2.firstChild ? label2.firstChild.nodeValue
- : label2.value,
- typeID: typeID,
- singleField: label1.getAttribute('singleField') == 'true'
- }
- }
- function modifyCreator(index, field, value, otherFields)
- {
- if (otherFields){
- var firstName = otherFields.firstName;
- var lastName = otherFields.lastName;
- var typeID = otherFields.typeID;
- var singleField = otherFields.singleField;
- // Ignore '(first)'/'(last)' or '(name)'
- if (singleField || firstName == _defaultFirstName){
- firstName = '';
- }
- if (lastName==_defaultFullName || lastName == _defaultLastName){
- lastName = '';
- }
- }
- else {
- var creator = _itemBeingEdited.getCreator(index);
- var firstName = creator['firstName'];
- var lastName = creator['lastName'];
- var typeID = creator['creatorTypeID'];
- var singleField = creator['singleField'];
- }
- // Don't save empty creators
- if (!_itemBeingEdited.hasCreatorAt(index) && !firstName && !lastName){
- return;
- }
- switch (field){
- case 'firstName':
- firstName = value;
- break;
- case 'lastName':
- lastName = value;
- break;
- case 'typeID':
- typeID = value;
- break;
- case 'singleField':
- singleField = value;
- break;
- }
- _itemBeingEdited.setCreator(index, firstName, lastName, typeID, singleField);
- _itemBeingEdited.save();
- }
- function removeNote(id)
- {
- var note = Zotero.Items.get(id);
- if(note)
- if(confirm(Zotero.getString('pane.item.notes.delete.confirm')))
- note.erase();
- }
- function addNote()
- {
- ZoteroPane.openNoteWindow(null, null, _itemBeingEdited.getID());
- }
- function _noteToTitle(text)
- {
- var MAX_LENGTH = 100;
- var t = text.substring(0, MAX_LENGTH);
- var ln = t.indexOf("\n");
- if (ln>-1 && ln<MAX_LENGTH)
- {
- t = t.substring(0, ln);
- }
- if(t == "")
- {
- return Zotero.getString('pane.item.notes.untitled');
- }
- else
- {
- return t;
- }
- }
- function _updateNoteCount()
- {
- var c = _notesList.childNodes.length;
- var str = 'pane.item.notes.count.';
- switch (c){
- case 0:
- str += 'zero';
- break;
- case 1:
- str += 'singular';
- break;
- default:
- str += 'plural';
- break;
- }
- _notesLabel.value = Zotero.getString(str, [c]);
- }
- function _updateAttachmentCount()
- {
- var c = _attachmentsList.childNodes.length;
- var str = 'pane.item.attachments.count.';
- switch (c){
- case 0:
- str += 'zero';
- break;
- case 1:
- str += 'singular';
- break;
- default:
- str += 'plural';
- break;
- }
- _attachmentsLabel.value = Zotero.getString(str, [c]);
- }
- function removeAttachment(id)
- {
- var attachment = Zotero.Items.get(id);
- if(attachment)
- if(confirm(Zotero.getString('pane.item.attachments.delete.confirm')))
- attachment.erase();
- }
- function addAttachmentFromDialog(link)
- {
- ZoteroPane.addAttachmentFromDialog(link, _itemBeingEdited.getID());
- }
- function addAttachmentFromPage(link)
- {
- ZoteroPane.addAttachmentFromPage(link, _itemBeingEdited.getID());
- }
- function focusFirstField(mode) {
- switch (mode) {
- case 'info':
- _focusNextField('info', _dynamicFields, 0, false);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Advance the field focus forward or backward
- *
- * Note: We're basically replicating the built-in tabindex functionality,
- * which doesn't work well with the weird label/textbox stuff we're doing.
- * (The textbox being tabbed away from is deleted before the blur()
- * completes, so it doesn't know where it's supposed to go next.)
- */
- function _focusNextField(mode, box, tabindex, back){
- tabindex = parseInt(tabindex);
- if (back)
- {
- if (mode=='info')
- {
- switch (tabindex)
- {
- case 1:
- //Zotero.debug('At beginning');
- document.getElementById('zotero-editpane-type-menu').focus();
- return false;
- case _tabIndexMinCreators:
- var nextIndex = 1;
- break;
- case _tabIndexMinFields:
- var nextIndex = _tabIndexMaxCreators;
- break;
- default:
- var nextIndex = tabindex - 1;
- }
- }
- else if (mode=='tags')
- {
- switch (tabindex)
- {
- case 1:
- return false;
- default:
- var nextIndex = tabindex - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (mode=='info')
- {
- switch (tabindex)
- {
- case 1:
- var nextIndex = _tabIndexMinCreators;
- break;
- case _tabIndexMaxCreators:
- var nextIndex = _tabIndexMinFields;
- break;
- case _tabIndexMaxInfoFields:
- //Zotero.debug('At end');
- return false;
- default:
- var nextIndex = tabindex + 1;
- }
- }
- else if (mode=='tags')
- {
- switch (tabindex)
- {
- case _tabIndexMaxTagsFields:
- // In tags box, keep going to create new row
- var nextIndex = tabindex + 1;
- break;
- default:
- var nextIndex = tabindex + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- Zotero.debug('Looking for tabindex ' + nextIndex, 4);
- switch (mode)
- {
- case 'info':
- var next = box.getElementsByAttribute('ztabindex', nextIndex);
- if (!next[0])
- {
- //Zotero.debug("Next field not found");
- return _focusNextField(mode, box, nextIndex, back);
- }
- break;
- // Tags pane
- case 'tags':
- var next = document.getAnonymousNodes(box)[0].
- getElementsByAttribute('ztabindex', nextIndex);
- if (!next[0]){
- next[0] = box.addDynamicRow();
- }
- break;
- }
- next[0].click();
- ensureElementIsVisible(next[0]);
- return true;
- }
- }
- addEventListener("load", function(e) { ZoteroItemPane.onLoad(e); }, false);